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Why do the thresholds differ for MC³ overall, elements, and sub-elements?

Understanding MC³
Understanding MC³

Thresholds for 1 Star, 2 Star and 3 Star accreditation ratings were determined using a whole year’s worth of data. Thresholds were chosen so that a specified percentage of managers would fall into each category. Cut-offs were selected so that, overall, 50% of managers qualified for a Star rating and one third of these qualifiers (i.e. one sixth of the total) fell into each of the three Star bandings.

Exactly the same process was followed to determine element and sub-element thresholds. The distribution of scores is different for each element, so thresholds may be higher or lower than overall manager thresholds. For example, the overall 1 Star manager threshold is set as 71.46, whereas the Conversing element threshold is slightly higher (74.96), because managers tended to score higher in this element than they did overall.

A One To Watch (OTW) threshold was also introduced in 2020. Whilst not an official accreditation, this additional threshold is a positive motivator aimed at those managers who are displaying good levels of managerial engagement but are not quite up the level required to achieve a Star status. This extra level of granularity can help managers further engage with their own development.

Classifications for managers reaching each threshold are described as follows:

• One to Watch (OTW) – Good

• 1 Star – Very good

• 2 Star – Outstanding

• 3 Star – World-class